Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sleeping Angel 1

This is my other angel Devlin who we cannot see, as this is how he sleeps completely covered up with his quilt .He is about to be 8yrs old and truly has had alot of difficulties being bi-polar, and look what an angel he is sleeping.
I couldn't resist showing this pic ( sorry it's a little dark) but he always sleeps completely covered, and always lets the cat have his pillow, isn't he cute for sharing.

Anyway he was a little upset with stuff yesterday, mainly getting tearful about something or other, i think too many neighbourhood kids over may have made it a little over whelming for him.
Overall with his new meds, he's a new and happier kid. We have waited around 3yrs to say this about our son, bless him.

Anyway wanted to share that thought about how we get to feel about our kids driving us crazy,but at night they are our angels


Miss Blondie said...

Umm...Kerry you can't see him. All you can see is the cat! It looks like you're talking about the cat!

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

That is sweet , that your son will let the cat have his pillow. I have a pillow I have many of all sizes!! (I don't like to share...LOL) Your blog looks good Kerry!!! I love the colors they rock!! I see that your are a Brit.That is awesome!! I was actually born in England myself. My dad was in the military..and that is where I came out..LOL!! Well have a great day ...and thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow :)
